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The Chapter of Mechanical Engineering is a prestigious chapter founded at 19:15 on 15 November 1910. It is one of the six original chapters that together founded the THS (KTH Student Union). At that time, the Mechanical Engineering programme at KTH lasted three years (or four for particularly diligent students) and had 85 students.

Since 2003, the Engineering programme in Design and Product Development has also been part of the M Chapter. Today, approximately 1,800 students are enrolled in one of the chapter’s two engineering programmes.

Since its founding in 1910, many traditions have been established within the M Chapter. Song and the banner have become the chapter’s most distinctive symbols.

The chapter’s original banner was first displayed during KTH’s 100th anniversary in 1927. The banner used today dates from 2017.

Sångboken (the songbook), every mechanical engineering student’s most cherished possession, debuted the same year as the banner. Since then, it has been published in many editions. The songbook holds a special place in the inner pocket (closest to the heart) of the chapter’s official attire, B-fracken (the B-tailcoat). The latest edition of the songbook was released in 2024.



The chapter’s official attire, the B-tailcoat, was introduced in the early 1900s. At that time, wearing a tailcoat was standard for all festive occasions, and to avoid damaging their fine tailcoats, students would wear a more worn B-tailcoat for less formal gatherings.

The back of the tailcoat is adorned with our beloved Standard-M, the emblem of the M Chapter, which has been a symbol of the chapter since mechanical engineering student Ivar Paljak designed it for a competition in 1955.


Many traditions have remained since the early days of the M Chapter, while others have been forgotten or renewed. More about these traditions and the chapter’s long history can be found in the book Kungliga Maskinsektionen 100 år, published in connection with the 100th anniversary in 2010.

Do you have any fun pictures or stories about the M Chapter?

If so, contact Nyhetsbyrån, and we can add them to this page!

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